World Environment Day is United Nations Day. Since its inception in 1974, the event has
become a global venue for a wide celebration in more than 100 countries.
World Environment Day, World Environment Day is a “people’s day” to do anything to look after the earth. That “something” can be local, national or global. It can be a single action or an audience. Everyone is free to choose.

Every World Environment Day is organized
around a theme that draws attention to environmental concern in particular. The
theme of 2020 is “Air Pollution”.
Every World Environment Day is a different
host country, where official ceremonies are held. Focusing on the host country
can help address environmental challenges and support the worldwide efforts to
address them. This year’s host is China.
Registration In recent years, millions have
participated in thousands of registered activities worldwide. Please sign up
here so we can tell you what’s going on