Banana. These are the perfect ingredient for smoothies, muffins and pancakes. But that’s not all. Their peels provide a quick and easy way to whiten your teeth – at least according to ts enthusiasts on the internet.
Lawyers who have whitened this tooth are advised to rub a small piece of banana peel on the teeth for two minutes a day. These peels, which are rich in potassium and magnesium, whiten teeth as minerals accumulate in your enamel.
While the minerals in bananas promote dental health, they are unlikely to brighten your smile.
There are two main ways to whiten teeth: friction and bleaching. Friction occurs when a dull texture like toothpaste is rubbed against your enamel. This will reduce stains on the outer surface. (Be careful though: when a material is too abrasive, it can damage the enamel.) Bleaching usually involves hydrogen peroxide. This is the chemical that bleaches your hair or clothes.
Rubbing banana peels on your teeth will not remove stains. No bleaching chemicals on the skin.
But bananas are still a delicious choice for breakfast. They are naturally sweet and low in acid. Furthermore, the potassium in bananas improves bone mineral density. It works with magnesium to prevent the blood from becoming too acidic, which can take calcium from your bones and teeth.
Rubbing banana peel is usually harmful to your teeth. If you choose orange or lemon peel – which is advertised online as whitening teeth – you run the risk of damaging your enamel. Citric fruits contain high levels of acid, which can weaken your enamel. It can rot your teeth and increase temperature sensitivity.
Talk to your dentist before trying to whiten your teeth at home. Regular dental cleaning can remove plaque and tartar to keep your smile healthy and shiny.