The level at which special forces operate is sometimes incomprehensible and it is only for certain tasks, that we can see as people. In this video, the skilled CH-47 Chinook pilot takes soldiers fast and highly efficiently. From the look of the video, a strategic operation requires a team to make the water flow faster using what looks like a boat. To do this, it did some careful choreography of the helicopter pilot and his crew.

chinook water extraction
Surprisingly, the pilot of the helicopter lowered the tail into the water after lowering the ramp, allowing the chinook water extraction to partially fill the rear compartment. This allows the boat to move properly without gaining momentum and allows the pilot to take off as soon as it is safe. However, keep in mind the weight. The back of the helicopter is not that hard to sink (if you are a pilot) but you have to replace it once you start taking water, because it doesn’t really sink you. Once this is done, the boat and the soldiers going into it will undergo large changes in weight, all of which will be in the hands of the pilot. Overall, major honors!