Forget me not Day 10th November 2020

Forget me, tiny little blue flowers you can find in the wild fields, there is so much to symbolize. They are mostly associated with the memory of loved ones at some point or another, and for people like people with disabilities, they are often unforgettable in this day and age. The purpose of Forget-My-Day is to change the way people view disabled veterans and help them remember them again.


History of Forget me not Day

Forgotten days I go back to the time of World War I when American soldiers were wounded. At the time, these giants were returning at a much higher rate than the government had imagined, and very few companies and services were available to those wounded in the war.


Due to the huge influx of wounded warriors, Judge Robert S., a soldier in the First World War. Marx founded Forget-Me-Not Day to commemorate people who sacrificed their lives in World War I, by selling and raising money for the disabled. Forget my lost ones. After returning from the war, he helped Americans establish disability


The Veterans Foundation in 1920, which celebrates the annual For-Me-Not and Annual Cuckoos from Annual Sale. Today people remember the veterans who lost their lives and honor the disabled elders who are still alive today.


People thank these veterans through various media, send thank you letters, spend time with them to learn about their life stories and treat them with respect. People make a mistake and take the time to buy and give it to their loved ones and veterans.


The purpose of Forgotten Day is to encourage people to remember the services rendered during the period that was considered a war to end all wars.


How to Celebrate Forget me not Day


Buy a bouquet of Forget-Me-Not and if you know a dear veteran dear to your heart, give them that bouquet and thank them for their services.


Donate money for disabled American veterans to support their organization in their endeavor or to donate to any of their favorite organizations that support disabled veterans. Learn about the effects of World War II through research and the story of a disabled veteran today.


Share this holiday with friends and family via social media or talk to them about it! Everyone can benefit by learning the stories experienced by veterans today and helping them share that knowledge and compassion with everyone.




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