what is boxing day

Arguments over the origin of the Boxing Day name. All the answers below are valid, so it could be one or all.Name Reference for holiday gifts. In Britain, the ‘Christmas box’ is a name for Christmas. Boxing Day is traditionally a day for servants and the day they receive a ‘Christmas box’ from the Guru. Servants would go home on boxing day to give their family a ‘Christmas box’.
Name Reference to Charity Drive. Traditionally a box to collect money for the poor and put in churches on Christmas day and the next day – it is Boxing Day.

The name refers to the marine tradition. Great sailing ships have a closed box when sailing, with money for luck. The journey was successful, the box was given to a priest, opened on the eve of Christmas and then things were given to the poor.


When is Boxing Day?

Boxing Day is December 26 and is a national holiday in the UK and Ireland.Activities on boxing day
Boxing Day is a time to spend with family or friends that is not usually seen on Christmas day. Most people gather for food, spend time outside, or relax at home and enjoy the day. In recent times, this day has become synonymous with many sports. Horse racing is especially popular across the country. Many top football teams also play on Boxing Day.

Boxing Day is also a time for the British to show their nostalgia by participating in all sorts of crazy activities. These include bizarre traditions, including icy Cold English Channel swimming, fun runs and charity events.

Fox hunting on boxing day

By 2004, Boxing Day hunting was a traditional part of the day, but the ban on fox hunting has abolished it in its general sense. To the sound of hunting horns hunters still collect better by wearing a red hunting coat. But, as it is now forbidden to chase foxes with dogs, they are now following artificially kept trails.

New Boxing Day Sport – Shopping
Another ‘sport’ shopping that has emerged in recent years. Sales began in January from the New Year, but the willingness to hold bargains and stores to close the stock means many people will now start boxing day.

Boxing Day in Ireland

In Ireland, Boxing Day, also known as “St. Stephen’s Day”, is named after the death of a saint who believed in Jesus. In boxing, in Ireland, the so-called “Warren Boys” were once a barbaric act. These guys dressed up and went out, killed the birds that were stoned, and then knocked on their doors around the city, asking for money, the stone work that marked the event with Stephen. Thankfully now this tradition has changed: the Rights Boys still dress up, but still charge money for de-rage and generosity around the city.

Eating and drinking on boxing day
Frequent popping up for breakfast for guests or eating and drinking on Boxing Day offers more comfort than Christmas Day.

Meals usually consist of a buffet or leftovers from a Christmas meal. Baked ham with baked pudding is a popular Boxing Day meat, and sliced ​​peas or Christmas cake or other dessert slices with brandy butter are almost a must.

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