Peter Tabichi of Kenya, who has been teaching for 12 years, was recently named the best teacher in the world. He donated US $ 1 million.
Who was the first teacher in India?
Savitribai Phule (January 1831 – March 1897) was an Indian social reformer, educator and Maharashtra poet. She is considered to be the first female teacher in India.
Who is the first teacher for children?
The mother is the child’s first teacher and the father is the second teacher. After the baby is born, the mother works as a teacher and guide. It is the basic foundation that provides protection and love for children. We are a reflection of our first teacher who was father and mother. A child learns from around 50% of his mother and the remaining 50% from around. It is a long and painful process that begins in every world in this world from the earliest stages of childhood.
When a plant reaches a certain level it is very easy to grow, but a lot of work needs to be done when it is very small. We must give love and respect to our parents because it is us.
Who taught the first teacher?
At first the teacher did not know, at first, and there was no one to teach them.
Thus, with no knowledge of their life and doing nothing, they settled into the small world of wanting to know themselves.
Eventually, he learned from his experiences and began to pick out the basic knowledge we know today. They learned how to eat, how to get heat and how to live. He became smarter through his journey and grew into an old, intelligent man.
Whose first teacher? By the way, I originally had a list of teachers for this public question, but I will try to keep it short and thank A2A
I firmly believe that I will be the first teacher until my last breath. Although I can not remember everyone and everything, I will never forget those who restrained my temper.
Here is a list of some of the influences in my life.
Although my mother thought she was a traditional Indian mother, did she realize that she had so much more than a normal mother? She was my first faith, willpower, planning, courage, bravery, practicality and the outrageous reality of indigenous Indian families.
She was the first person to teach me that time is tested. His pessimism taught me to think of solutions, optimism and faith choices. If it doesn’t work every time he says it! I always thought of a B&C backup plan if A fails. Naturally after thinking through failure and success, it gave me the confidence and maturity to accept success and not get caught up in failures.
Nature was the first teacher who taught me general happiness in life. It is as simple as a walk where the birds happily prank, as the sun slowly raises the heat on its land mother, a cool breeze rubs your face and your hands clasp as you walk. Or, watching the rain from your window. Nature has taught me that you do not need money or any other person to be happy.
My father was the first teacher of life skills, world affairs, general knowledge, the first person to teach me work from equipment to mechanic. Although he always seemed a little different, he was always there to save his little damel who was in distress. He was the first person to teach me not to judge people, because you never know what they are doing and people express emotions differently.
My language teacher at school taught me that art or literature is not only for art, but also for life. He made me understand that there is a life beyond science and money. Since realization, I have sought answers in various forms of art, music, movies, books, writing. The things he taught molded my mind to understand how art could be applied to life. His teachings increased my interest in literature and later became the head of my college.
My college gave me my friends for life. He was the first person to teach me that being out with friends is completely normal and that sometimes spending time with a friend is the best treatment in the world. Like your parents they may not die for you, but surely they will join hands with you in that mess and still laugh and tell you how we ended up here. Memories We Together, Love You, People.)
Literature was in many cases my first teacher. From my own experience and from conversations with friends, I clearly witness that every family has a story to tell and that every family goes through some bad times. Facebook posts and glamorous Ingur or Instagram posts show how good actors we are. Here is my lyrics that gave me this lesson a decade ago as I enjoyed my Shakespeare poem in the shop.